Telecom & Utilities

Telecom & Infrastructure

Thinking big to develop a growing region


Plugged into the power, water, and telecom needs of business


The region’s utility rates are equitable compared to other large metropolitan areas.

  • Xcel Energy, the state's largest utility, is the primary provider of electricity and natural gas in the Metro Denver area. United Power and Intermountain Rural Electric Association also provide services in the region.
  • Denver Water is the largest provider of water in the region, serving more than 1.3 million customers. The City of Aurora is the second largest, with more than 300,000 customers.
  • The Colorado Public Utilities Commission has full regulatory authority over intrastate telecommunication services and investor-owned electric, gas, and water utilities, as well as partial regulatory control over municipal utility and electric associations.
  • Utility rates from cities all across the United States are now available in one place, the U.S. Department of Energy's Open Energy Information (Open EI) platform, or
  • Colorado has a sprawling and affordable utility marketplace; plus nearly 100 percent of households in Metro Denver have access to broadband services that meet the National Broadband Availability Target.
Related Files 4 Reports
Water Rates
Electrical Cost Comparisons
National Gas & Electricity Costs